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Ernie's House of Whoopass! January 2, 2014
January 2, 2014

Character Is The Ability To Carry Out A Good Resolution Long After The Excitement Of The Moment Has Passed. - Cavett Robert

Well, the new year is upon us. Of the seven differene types of hangovers, I would say my New Years Day one most closely resembed The Darkness.

NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION: GET MORE REST. Along with a consistent sleep/wake schedule, winding down before bed is one of the best ways to get your sleep back on track. As Silberman says, it's "very hard to shut down your brain or quiet anxious or worrying thoughts when you're on the go before bedtime." You want to separate your day from the nighttime, she says. By creating a pre-sleep ritual, you're establishing a clear association between certain activities and sleep. For instance, if you read before heading to bed, your body knows that reading at night signals sleep time. If you take a warm bath before bed every night, your body recognizes that it's time to slow down and relax.

End of the year, I'm looking for all my insurance info to start getting my income tax shit ready to go. Everything is inside a small firebox, which I keep inside a full sized safe. Can I find the keys for the lockbox? Nooooooo. So I had to bust the fucking thing open with a screwdriver. Oh well, you know what say you should do when life hands you lemons. That's right, go buy another fire proof lockbox for $20.

NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION: VISIT A NEW PLACE. Burma, officially the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, commonly shortened to Myanmar, is a sovereign state in Southeast Asia bordered by China, Thailand, India, Laos and Bangladesh. Human rights in Burma under its military regime have long been regarded as among the worst in the world. International human rights organisations including Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science have repeatedly documented and condemned widespread human rights violations in Burma. So if Rambo won't even go there -- and yes I mean this Rambo -- I don't care how beautiful it is, I'm sure as hell not going there either.

Before the holiday break, Brad asked for help nailing down the locale of this photo, which I was able to track to this gallery and some pseudo-identifiers in this photo where one can read "PALMS PI*** BAR & GRILL". Turn sout the photos were actually taken in two ffferent locations, very close to one another. The first (on shore) is the Palm Street Pier Bar & Grill, and the second one (on the pier) is Hooker's Bar...

Found it; its Hooker's Bar, part of Pier 19, on South Padre Island. I've attached the link if you feel like checking it out. Cheers, -Ron

Ernie, In reference to the photo of the 7 young ladies, I am 99.9% sure they are at Palm Street Pier Bar & Grill 204 Palm St, South Padre Island, TX ? (956) 772-7256 ? · (Check the Photos area) Happy Holidays (& keep up the goodness) Rod

Sometimes these photos are easy to track down, sometimes they're a little more difficult. And sometimes it's just dumb luck. For example, this Smith's grocery store? Yep, one look and I knew exactly where it is, because I've been there before. It's 3.2 miles from where my father used to live.

Other times, despite a photo giving multiple clues, shit gets a little harder. The Jägermeister Music Tour is a hard rock, hardcore punk, and heavy metal music tour that has been held twice a year in the United States since 2002. Specifically, in the Fall of 2005, they had four bands: Disturbed, Corrosion of Conformity, Bloodsimple, and A Dozen Furies. You can see the band logo for the latter on these posters here. But given that A Dozen Furies was only supposed to open a few select locations, all of which were during the middle of the winter, I doubt that photo was taken in the Pennsyvania/Maryland area in the middle of December. Also a Google search for Starlight Bar yields too many results. So... any ideas?

NEW YEARS RESOLUTION: EAT HEALTHIER. The sugar snap pea is a hybrid of green peas and and snow peas, according to the California Department of Public Health. Sugar snap peas are high in vitamins and a reliable source of fiber, adding nutrition, color and texture to your meals. A 3-ounce serving of raw sugar snap peas provides 50 milligrams of vitamin C, more than half the recommended daily intake for that antioxidant nutrient. It is also a rich source of some B-complex vitamins, giving you nearly half the niacin and one-tenth of the folate you need each day, boosting your intake of these nutrients that help your body convert food to energy.

I started out trying to find the CFAGS acronym on the wristband of one of the girls… No luck. Original photo showed “South Padr*”, so I started looking for things that way. A good match was South Padre Island. Lo and behold there is a Palm Street, and on it a Palm Street Pier Bar and Grill. I believe the sign you show is for Palm Street Pier Bar and Grill – South Padre Island, TX. Toward shore shot. From street shot of sign. Image of the sign found in your research. URL to research further on urbanspoon. My email is getting flaky today, so I am sending this now before Windows crashes. I hope you get it. Keith K

NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION: LEARN A NEW HOBBY. As a combined sport and relaxing recreational activity, scuba diving strengthens participants mentally, physically, emotionally, and even spiritually. It provides an incredible connection with the natural world that's hard to attain in other environments while providing opportunities for discovery. Just don't go discovering a Great White shark.

A millimeter wave scanner is a whole–body imaging device used for detecting objects concealed underneath a person's clothing using a form of electromagnetic radiation. Typical uses for this technology include detection of items for commercial loss prevention, smuggling and screening at government buildings and airport security checkpoints. Several countries employ the scanners for security screening. It is one of the common technologies of full body scanner used for body imaging; a competing technology is backscatter X-ray.

Show me England's former top-secret turbine testing facility, and I'll show you Ernie's new zombie hideout, henceforth known as Fort Kickass.

what could have entered the public domain on january 1, 2014?

boston mayor-elect martin walsh opposes ar15 rifles for police arsenal

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